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1.    Formulate the country’s health sector development program; follow up and evaluate the implementation of the same;

2.    Prepare the country’s health services coverage map; provide support for the expansion of health infrastructure;

3.    Support the expansion of health services coverage; follow up and coordinate the implementation of health programs;

4.    Provide appropriate support to promote research activities intended to provide solutions for the country’s health problems and for improving health service delivery;

5.    Follow up and coordinate the implementation of national nutrition strategies;
6.    Devise and follow up the implementation of strategies for the prevention of epidemic and communicable diseases;

7.    Take preventive measures against events that threaten the public health; in the events of an emergency situation coordinate measures of other stakeholders to expeditiously and effectively tackle the problem;

8.    Expand health education through various appropriate means;

9.    Ensure adequate supply and proper utilization of essential drugs and medical equipment in the country;

10.  Supervise the administration of federal hospitals; collaborate on the capacity building activities of the federal university hospitals;

11.  Collaborate with the appropriate bodies in providing quality and relevant health professional trainings within the country;

12.  Ensure the proper execution of food, medicine and health care administration and regulatory functions;

13.  Lead the national social health insurance system and oversee its implementation;

14.  Direct, coordinate and follow up implementation of the country’s health information system.