- Issuance of certificate for export duty incentive scheme entitlement service (vouch
- Issuance of supporting letter for duty drawback scheme
- Issuance information desk and customer service
- Provision of cost sharing service
- Issuance of supporting letter for custom’s special service
- Issuance of complaints receiving service
- Renewal of certificate for export duty incentive scheme entitlement service (voucher)
- Registration of manufacturing industries services
- Issuance of information update for registered manufacturing industries
- Issuance of appointment reservation service
- Voucher certificate cancelation service
- Voucher certificate editing service
- Voucher certificate substitute service
- Voucher certificate extension service
- Voucher certificate additional service
- Registration of active public employees for social security services
- Renewal of professional’s license
- Issuance of cross border permit for freight truck drivers and assistant
- Issuance of diplomatic ID cards
- New registration of professional’s license